Monday, January 19, 2009

Never Turn Your Back On The Ocean.

I had the nicest swim at Scarborough beach today, prada sunglasses are still having the nicest swim ie; a wave crashed on my head and when i came to sunglasses did not.

-Bye Bye $420. My weekend was pretty good, I had a 21st of a school friend whom I hadn't seen in a while..ALOT of old friends were was good to see everybody again.. This is the year of the 21st birthday party..I have had one the last 3 weekends in a row an the next 2 weekends to come..YEEEEEW.

So some of my girlfriends were in leedy..I have like 3 missed calls when i check my phone and 4 msgs along the lines of "come now need your help.." I tried calling to see what the problem was and couldn't get a hold of anyone so left the party with my friends to make our way to the party was at Athena soccer club in Leederville so at the opposite end of leederville basically.. We decided to walk to oxford st and try to get a taxi rather than wait for one (at this stage i am trying to get there a.s.a.p-thought my girls had been in a fight or something)

After like 800 mtrs in my $250 boots we come to a fence..2 and a half mtrs tall with 3 rows of barbed wire ..My friend somehow slid underneath this fence so i tried the same but some certain aspects of myself did not I didn't want to rip my pretty new dress climbing over the fence..I did what any respectable women would do..I took off my dress & climbed over in my under ware.. I'd love to have known what it looked like to someone driving past..quiet a site I should imagine..

Eventually after some fence climbing & bush walking (britannia oval is huge, okay!?) we get to Leederville...the emergency... My friend had lost her bag..

Okay..I can appreciate the nuisance of the situation..but making a mayday call with msgs to follow..knowing I'm the friend that I am..that I would come I left the 21st with my mates to come along because I said I needed to help out a friend to arrive and find it's nothing much..

The next day I confronted her when she was sober to tell her how I scaled fences and oceans (okay not oceans) to get to her & it just be a ridiculous thing that didn't need me there at all.. It just is another nail in the coffin of my social life that is telling me to seek elsewhere.. The stupid drama's.. I can't put into words how little respect I have for some people in my life..

If you don't have respect for someone what do you have for them..? I want people in my life to inspire me, motivate me..

1 comment:

  1. Wow, now THAT sounds like a fun night. Hate that shit, i've made the same mistake before more than once until i realised, my phone doesn't take calls, so i just pretend i don't hear it anymore, whatever happens is going to happen whether you're enjoying your party or you leave to take that long to get there. Soak in the enjoyment of life.
